Use four extra cells to move cards around as you try to clear all cards from the table. Try to clear all the cards from the table using traditional scoring or the popular Vegas scoring system. This version is the timeless classic that many people just call “Solitaire”. Solitaire has been part of Windows for more than 20 years, and The Microsoft Solitaire Collection makes it the best experience to date with five different card games in one: Just focus on clearing out of the cards from the table, or try to increase your score to rival your friends. Simple rules and straightforward gameplay make it easy to pick up for anyone. Solitaire remains the most-played computer game of all time, and for good reason. Great part is that these all come with Xbox Live integration. During my graduation days “Solitaire” and “Minesweeper” used to be effective time killers and Spider solitaire was my favorite pastime! So, now you can relive theses games on your windows phone. All of us must have played Solitaire, Minesweeper and to some extent Mahjong on our PCs. Microsoft brings three of its classic PC games to Windows Phone.